Serving With Joy
Care Ministries
Volunteers make and send cards to people in the church who could benefit from receiving a card.
Care Closet
Having surgery or could benefit from borrowing medical equipment and supplies, do check out the Care Closet that is open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 2 to 5 p.m. You can check out equipment and return items during those days and hours.
The church's Columbarium provides a secure and sacred place for the deposit of cremains, an opportunity to honor loved-ones on a Remembrance Wall, and an environment of peace and beauty for meditation. Learn More >
Grief Books
Volunteers send booklets on how to cope with grief during the first year of the loss of a loved one. These books are from the Stephen Ministries organization. If you would like to help send these books or know of someone who would benefit from receiving the books, please email Gail Wells.
Prayer Chain/Group
We believe in the power of prayer and trust that God works through our prayers, thoughts, and concern for others to make a difference in their lives and in the world around us. To join the team or to submit prayer requests, please email Margaret Hotze.
Grief Support
Whether you have suffered a recent loss or continue to grieve a loved one, join us for a time of reflection, learning, and support on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month at 1 p.m. in the Conference Room. If you have questions please email Rev. Dee Pennington.
OK Chorale
An informal singing support group for people with memory diagnoses or concerns and their friends. The group, led by Sandra Meyer, sings a variety of familiar and varying favorites.
Singing sessions are on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays from 3–4 p.m. in the Parlor. Please email Sandra Meyer if you are interested in joining.
Worship CDs for Homebound
Volunteers make CDs of the recorded Sunday worship services to send to shut-ins so they can listen to the worship services at home. If you would like to volunteer or could benefit from receiving the CDs, please
email Anne Tynan . -
Funeral Receptions
This team sets up, serves, and cleans up when there is a funeral reception. This is a way the church supports families during a difficult time.
Visitation Team
FUMC has a team of lay volunteers who visit the ill, elderly, shut-ins, and infirm from our church and community. If you would like to be a volunteer visitor, would like a visitor, or know of someone who could use a visitor, please email Rev. Dee Pennington.
Flower Delivery
Volunteers split up flowers from Sunday worship service and deliver them to people in hospitals, rehabs, ill, lost a loved one, and the elderly. Please consider donating flowers for Sunday worship services. If you would like to volunteer, please email Lisa Carlson.
Prayer Shawls
Volunteers knit shawls that provide a tangible form of the embracing and comforting presence of the church as the body of Christ to people who are dealing with health or other issues. Monthly Knit-Ins are held in the church parlor. Please come if you would like to join the team or email Elva Petring or Glenda Gill.
Faith Community Nursing
Faith community nursing focuses on assisting our faith community to attain, maintain and/or regain wholeness in body, mind, and spirit. Faith community nurses are licensed, registered nurses who provide blood pressure screenings and host community educational events.
Email Donna Newkirk to learn more.